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Are you aiming at boosting the sales of your e-commerce website? If so, Google Shopping Campaigns are exactly what your online store needs

While Google Shopping isn’t technically an online marketplace, actually more a “branch” platform of Google Ads, it provides shoppers the same opportunity to browse a variety of products based on their search query. Google Shopping also benefits retailers because, when a shopper clicks on a product link, they’re sent back to the retailer’s site to make the purchase.

In short, it displays your product information to shoppers and it does this as part of a standard google search, or when shoppers use the Google shopping tab.

A Google Shopping campaign is a great way to increase the visibility of your business, generate new leads, and allow customers to easily search for products and compare them for price and specs.

So, what goes into a Google Shopping ad (or Product Listing Ads as they’re officially known)? They include images of your products, as well as regularly updated prices, sales, offers, and other data.

Google Shopping campaigns

Cavendish Media’s team can help you in all the steps of a Google Shopping campaign
, from setting up a Google Merchant Center account to the selection of the right audience and the start of the campaign.

Optimizing the product images using best practices is also an important to make sure your contents are well visible and stand out in the page in which are displayed.

Finally, we will help you to set up remarketing campaigns for whoever visited your e-commerce or left your shopping cart without purchasing, exponentially increasing the chances you have to generate sales. 

Fill in the form below to book a FREE consultation call to better explain to you how we can help your business by using Google Shopping campaigns. 


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