Ottieni il massimo dal tuo marketing utilizzando il software di animazione video per creare video straordinari e coinvolgenti e promuovere il tuo marchio!
Come forse saprai, le persone sono molto più attratte dai video che dalle semplici immagini. Sono stati eseguiti innumerevoli test per confrontare gli annunci video con gli annunci basati su immagini. Ad esempio, utilizzando annunci video anziché immagini su piattaforme come Facebook di solito otterrai risultati come questi:
– 2 volte l’aumento dei clic
– Conversioni aumentate del 20-30%
– Percentuale di clic 2-3 volte superiore
È semplicemente naturale! Alle persone piace guardare i video e sono decisamente più inclini a interagire, mettere mi piace, condividere e commentare un post che vanta un video carino, divertente o interessante.
Basti pensare ad esempio ai social network basati su video come YouTube o TikTok (consulta l’articolo TikTok for Business – 5 Brand Booster Tips) e la loro crescita esponenziale! Queste piattaforme hanno usato saggiamente video, più o meno lunghi, divertenti o educativi per rimanere nella mente delle persone diventando parte della nostra vita.
E tu? Non ti piacerebbe poter sfruttare l’enorme potenziale dei video per far crescere il tuo business?
Potresti pensare di non essere il tipo di persona adatta a parlare a un pubblico in un video…
Forse ti stai scervellando proprio in questo momento con un sacco di pensieri negativi come: “Non sono bravo a fare discorsi pubblici”, “Non ho idea di cosa devo dire” o “Sono abbastanza sicuro che uno ha bisogno roba costosa o assumere un videomaker per fare video decenti”…
Se è così, smettila di torturarti! Potresti essere sorpreso di sapere che alcuni strumenti straordinari ti consentono di creare video fantastici e coinvolgenti senza la necessità di iniziare a registrare qualcosa da zero o di parlare davanti a una telecamera.
Sto parlando di software di animazione video.
A video animation software is a platform, generally web-based, able to produce animated videos using plenty of virtual subjects or items that perform actions or speak. Just imagine a background voice that explains what problems people face without your services or products, and how what you offer can be beneficial for them, while a cartoon character is doing something to visually explain what the narrator is talking about.
For example, whether the character has to speak, run or even fly to better explain your point… well, that’s up to you!
Alternatively, you might show some images in sequence while, all of a sudden, a hand appears and start writing on a whiteboard what you wish to tell your audience!
There are countless options to use, why don’t you try to draft some videos to advertise your business?
Here below you will find 3 of the best video animation software currently on the market!
1st Video Animation Software:
Doodly is an amazing software for creating whiteboard animations with which anyone can create whiteboard, blackboard, greenboard and even glassboard animations with ease and in a matter of minutes.
Above all, there are hundreds of characters, items and scenarios to use which can be drawn from a human hand (including male and females, as well as different ethnicities), cartoon-style hand or also progressively without hand-drawing effect.
Additionally, with the custom drawing feature, you can add in your own image and tell the software how you want it to be drawn.
There are monthly and annual pricing options, starting from 39$ to 69$ per month. Lately, though, the company has launched a special offer providing the cloud-based software for a 67$ one-time fee only, which seems to be a really good deal!
2nd Video Animation Software:
Animaker is easy to learn and to use and produces professional-quality videos in a variety of formats at affordable prices.
The cloud-based software is really complete and adds plenty of options for customizable animations to royalty-free stock pictures and videos to use. Most importantly, you will find one of the largest collection of animated characters, properties, wallpapers, icons, images, videos, and more.
Moreover, you can export your videos in 4K quality to show your clients an astonishing end result!
The pricing goes from 10 $ to 39 $ per month, with an extra in case you wish to have your videos in 4K, unlimited downloads or additional space on the cloud.
3rd Video Animation Software:
Blender is a 3D creation suite that supports pretty much every aspect of 3D development. In a nutshell, Blender boasts a strong foundation of modelling capabilities with robust texturing, rigging, animation, lighting, and a host of other tools for complete 3D creation.
The amazing thing is that you can do much more than simple animation and all without spending a penny! Yes, the software is free, open-source and downloadable on virtually any operative system.
On the downsides, being a complex tool for many purposes, it isn’t definitely intuitive and it will take you a while before you can create basic animations to use in your videos.
If you are a novice to this world, Doodly or Animaker may be better video animation software to suits your marketing needs.
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